Launch of Kepler Space Telescope

Launch of Kepler Space Telescope

Kepler is space observatory which was launched by NASA on March 7th 2009. Kepler was named after an  German astronomer as well as a mathematician Johannes Kepler. It was launched to discover the ultimate alien worlds that are almost same size of Earth and even hundreds of exoplanets orbiting around stars which are almost thousands of light years far.

The Transit Method of Detecting Exoplanets

Kepler is organised in order to finds planets by looking for tiny dips in the brightness of a star when a planet crosses in front of the star, we say the planet transits the star. Once it is detected the planet's orbital size can be calculated (how long does the planet take time to orbit around it's star). The dimensions of the planet can be found with help of the brightness of the star dropping. With the help of orbital size the temperature can be detected of the planet.

Kepler : About it's discoveries

Kepler almost discovered around 21 planets less than twice the size of Earth have been discovered in their star's habitable zone. These planets lie around the Goldilocks zone a region in a planetary system where liquid water might pool on the surface of an orbiting planet. One of the planets are Kepler 452b.

Image result for kepler 425b

Hellish worlds discovered by Kepler

It has also discovered alien world which are quite not habitual for human settlement. Worlds which weird, nightmares and also inhabitable. One of the hellish worlds are Corot 7B. It's so close in that a star covers up to area 360 times larger in the sky than our sky. In Corot 7B the temperature is around 4700 degrees. Lava boiled turning the atmosphere into vaporized rock. The hot side of the planet is permanently locked facing the star behind is the twilight zone. It is cool enough here to convert the lava oceans into solid rock. The half the planet that never sees the Sun where there is internal darkness and savage cold. It is almost hundreds of degrees below zero. Well it might sound wierd but it's the truth.

Image result for corot 7b

Kepler Space Craft has only a few months to live...

Kepler spacecraft is responsible of detecting almost 2,245 exoplanets and another 2,342 yet to be confirmed. Kepler is significantly has very useful to NASA. Kepler is eventually running out of fuel and may only exist for a few months and it will go down in History to be one of the most considerable astronomical tools to be known. Kepler is running out of fuel and may only exist for a few months.
Kepler will soon be gone, but astronomers will be studying its data for years to come across more such exoplanets. As mentioned, there are still thousands of exoplanet that need to be confirmed.


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