Expoplanets discovered by Kepler Space Telescope

Kepler almost discovered up to 2000 exoplanets.  Around 30 of the exoplanets were suitable for human life. The region in a planetary system where liquid water can pool the surface of an orbiting planet. Such planets can be found in the Goldilocks zone. Let's view some of the exoplanets habitual for life.


This planet was discovered on 18th April 2013. It lies 2707 light years far from the earth. This planet's orbital period is 242 days as compared to earth's orbital period 356 days. It is also known as the super venus as per to the fact that Kepler -69C orbit of 242 days around a sun-like star resembles that of our neighboring planet, Venus.
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Kepler-22b is 600 light years away from our Earth. It was the first Kepler planet which was proved to be habitual for life. It is actually much larger than Earth. It was about 2.4 times our planet Earth. Its orbital period is quite similar to Earth. Its orbital period is 290 days. Scientists do not know if actually, this alien world is rocky, gaseous or in a liquid composition.
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Kepler-62f was discovered on 18th April 2013. It is about 1207 light years far from our Earth. It takes 267 days to complete one revolution around its parent Star. Apparently, Kepler-62f has a smaller star and much cooler than our Sun. The planet is about 40 percent larger than planet Earth.
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Kepler-186f is 557.5 light years away from planet Earth. It is 10 percent larger than Earth. Its parent Star is much cooler than our own Sun. Actually, Kepler-186f's parent star is a red drawf. Kepler-186f receives just one-third of the energy from its star that Earth gets from the sun. It takes 103 days to orbit around its star.
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Well, now we come to an end of our journey about most of the exoplanets discovered by Kepler which are habitual for us. Well, Kepler is still struggling hard finding more such alien worlds suitable for life...

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